Combination of Vitamins, Minerals & Probiotics in Suitable Proportion


  • Calcium- 24%
  • Phosphorous-12%
  • Vitamin A-12000IU
  • Vitamin C Coated-50mg
  • Vitamin E-30IU
  • Folic acid-0. 8mcg
  • D-Calcium Pantothenate- 7mcg
  • Magnesium-2000mg
  • Potassium-5200mg
  • Manganese-6000mg
  • Sodium-3026mg
  • Zinc-600mg
  • Copper-50mg
  • Ferrous-6250mg
  • Cobalt-25mg
  • Amonium Molybdate-100mg
  • Borax-5mg
  • L-Lysine-1000mg
  • DL-Methionine-500mg
  • Beta Glucans-1000mg
  • Mannan Oligosaccharides -1000mg
  • Spirulina-1mg
  • Yucca Schidigera-200mg
  • Bacillus Spp- 2milion spores


  • 10-20gm/ kg feed with binder gel
  • or as Per Aqua Technical Consultant.


  • Regular Usage Helps in Preventing the incidence of 5 Common Non-Infectious diseases in Fish Improves Feed Efficiency, Growth Rate and enhances weight gains of  fishes.
  • Prevents De-pigmentation and Improves the Color of the Fish Prevents the incidence of Fin Erosions, External Hemorrhages & erratic Swim behavior.
  • Enhances the body hematopoietic functions and disease resistant.
  • Improves blood circulation and increases hemoglobin levels.
  • Prevents Anorexia, Anemia and Muscular Dystrophy in Fish.
  • Enhances digestion and feed assimilation.
  • Improves muscle and bone strength.
  • Enhances the stress resistance of fishes.
  • Increases the immune functions.
  • Helps for low FCR and better harvests.
SKU: FV-009 Category:


Long Description